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Refactoring Memo

The first chapter of Fowler (2018) gives a concrete example of how we refactor code that exhibits some common anti-patterns or “code smells.” Although the example is in JavaScript, the concepts of refactoring are language agnostic so that basically we can employ any other (dynamically- or statically-typed) language equally well; see, e.g.,

This repo is yet another example in C++20, where the master branch corresponds to “the starting point” and refactored to the fully refactored state. Comparing refactored with master, one can see a typical process of refactoring. As demonstrated in Fowler (2018), in order to minimize the risks of refactoring (introducing subtle bugs, breaking the code for a long time, etc.), I have tried to refactor with the “one small step at a time” principle in mind and made as frequent commits as possible (without squashing). In what follows, I shall relate a few significant steps of the refactoring, mainly focusing on the difference between JavaScript and C++.

The starting point

The source files relevant to our refactoring are the following (all under the src directory).

The data stored in the JSON files plays.json and invoices.json for the original JavaScript example correspond to the following constants found in statement_test.cpp (Note the use of designated initializers, which gives the C++ code some resemblance with the original JSON code).

    const std::map<std::string, Play> plays{
        {"hamlet"s, {.name = "Hamlet"s, .type = Play::Type::Tragedy}},
        {"as-like"s, {.name = "As You Like It"s, .type = Play::Type::Comedy}},
        {"othello"s, {.name = "Othello"s, .type = Play::Type::Tragedy}},

    const Invoice invoice{
        .customer = "BigCo"s,
        .performances = {
                .play_id = "hamlet"s,
                .audience = 55
                .play_id = "as-like"s,
                .audience = 35
                .play_id = "othello"s,
                .audience = 40

With those constants, statement(invoice, plays) gives the same expected text as the JavaScript statement function:

Statement for BigCo
  Hamlet: $650.00 (55 seats)
  As You Like It: $580.00 (35 seats)
  Othello: $500.00 (40 seats)
Amount owed is $1,730.00
You earned 47 credits

Since C++ is statically-typed, types like Play and Invoice must be defined and statement be declared; one can find those definitions and declaration in statement.h (Note that we define the play type as an enum class Play::Type rather than a string):

struct Play
    enum class Type

    std::string name;
    Type type;

struct Performance
    std::string play_id;
    int audience;

struct Invoice
    std::string customer;
    std::vector<Performance> performances;

std::string statement(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays);

The statement function defined in statement.cpp is again similar to the original JavaScript (I have kept the comments as they are, including a “downright misleading” one, all of which will eventually be removed in the course of our refactoring, though):

namespace {

auto usd(int amount)
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << std::showbase << std::put_money(amount);
    return std::move(oss).str();


std::string statement(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    int total_amount = 0;
    int volume_credits = 0;
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << std::format("Statement for {}\n"sv, invoice.customer);

    for (const auto& perf : invoice.performances) {
        const auto& play =;
        int this_amount = 0;

        switch (play.type) {
        case Play::Type::Tragedy:
            this_amount = 40000;
            if (perf.audience > 30) {
                this_amount += 1000 * (perf.audience - 30);
        case Play::Type::Comedy:
            this_amount = 30000;
            if (perf.audience > 20) {
                this_amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.audience - 20);
            this_amount += 300 * perf.audience;
            throw std::runtime_error{std::format(
                "{}: unknown Play::Type"sv,

        // add volume credits
        volume_credits += std::max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
        // add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
        if (Play::Type::Comedy == play.type) { volume_credits += perf.audience / 5; }

        // print line for this order
        oss << std::format("  {}: {} ({} seats)\n"sv,, usd(this_amount), perf.audience);
        total_amount += this_amount;

    oss << std::format("Amount owed is {}\n"sv, usd(total_amount));
    oss << std::format("You earned {} credits\n"sv, volume_credits);
    return std::move(oss).str();

Note however that, unlike the original JavaScript, we have already extracted a free function usd for formatting a monetary value into a string like $1,730.00. (The function usd makes use of a locale for monetary formatting, which is, strictly speaking, not portable but seems to work just fine.)

At this moment, running tests of course gives a “green” output like the following (see README for how to configure the project with CMake).

$ cmake --build build && ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure
[1/3] Building CXX object src\CMakeFiles\statement.dir\statement.cpp.obj
[2/3] Linking CXX static library src\statement.lib
[3/3] Linking CXX executable src\statement_test.exe
Internal ctest changing into directory: C:/Users/yousuke/work/refactoring_example/build
Test project C:/Users/yousuke/work/refactoring_example/build
    Start 1: StatementTest.BigCo
1/2 Test #1: StatementTest.BigCo ..............   Passed    0.04 sec
    Start 2: StatementTest.UnknownType
2/2 Test #2: StatementTest.UnknownType ........   Passed    0.02 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =   0.08 sec

Note that the test case UnknownType verifies the behavior that statement throws upon an unknown Play::Type (as the original JavaScript statement does).

If we introduce a bug, say, we forget to set (or imbue) the locale in usd, we indeed get an error or “red” output:

$ cmake --build build && ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure
[1/3] Building CXX object src\CMakeFiles\statement.dir\statement.cpp.obj
[2/3] Linking CXX static library src\statement.lib
[3/3] Linking CXX executable src\statement_test.exe
Internal ctest changing into directory: C:/Users/yousuke/work/refactoring_example/build
Test project C:/Users/yousuke/work/refactoring_example/build
    Start 1: StatementTest.BigCo
1/2 Test #1: StatementTest.BigCo ..............***Failed    0.02 sec
Running main() from
Note: Google Test filter = StatementTest.BigCo
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from StatementTest
[ RUN      ] StatementTest.BigCo
C:\Users\yousuke\work\refactoring_example\src\statement_test.cpp(48): error: Expected equality of these values:
    Which is: "Statement for BigCo\n  Hamlet: 65000 (55 seats)\n  As You Like It: 58000 (35 seats)\n  Othello: 50000 (40 seats)\nAmount owed is 173000\nYou earned 47 credits\n"
    Which is: "Statement for BigCo\n  Hamlet: $650.00 (55 seats)\n  As You Like It: $580.00 (35 seats)\n  Othello: $500.00 (40 seats)\nAmount owed is $1,730.00\nYou earned 47 credits\n"
With diff:
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Statement for BigCo
-  Hamlet: 65000 (55 seats)
-  As You Like It: 58000 (35 seats)
-  Othello: 50000 (40 seats)
-Amount owed is 173000
+  Hamlet: $650.00 (55 seats)
+  As You Like It: $580.00 (35 seats)
+  Othello: $500.00 (40 seats)
+Amount owed is $1,730.00
 You earned 47 credits\n

[  FAILED  ] StatementTest.BigCo (1 ms)
[----------] 1 test from StatementTest (1 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (1 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] StatementTest.BigCo


    Start 2: StatementTest.UnknownType
2/2 Test #2: StatementTest.UnknownType ........   Passed    0.02 sec

50% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =   0.06 sec

The following tests FAILED:
          1 - StatementTest.BigCo (Failed)
Errors while running CTest

As Fowler (2018) points out, it is important to run tests often while we refactor so that we notice as early as possible when we break the code: A small refactoring step followed by compile-test-commit is the basic rhythm of refactoring.

Decomposing the statement function

The first refactoring we apply to statement is Extract Function. Specifically, we extract the switch statement in the middle that calculates the charge for a performance to some new function, namely, amount_for. Although the JavaScript example uses a nested function, we have no such a thing in C++; let us use a lambda here as the closest alternative:

std::string statement(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    auto amount_for = [](const auto& perf, const auto& play)
        int amount = 0;
        switch (play.type) {
        case Play::Type::Tragedy:
            amount = 40000;
            if (perf.audience > 30) {
                amount += 1000 * (perf.audience - 30);
        case Play::Type::Comedy:
            amount = 30000;
            if (perf.audience > 20) {
                amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.audience - 20);
            amount += 300 * perf.audience;
            throw std::runtime_error{std::format(
                "{}: unknown Play::Type"sv,
        return amount;

    int total_amount = 0;
    int volume_credits = 0;
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << std::format("Statement for {}\n"sv, invoice.customer);

    for (const auto& perf : invoice.performances) {
        const auto& play =;
        int this_amount = amount_for(perf, play);

        // add volume credits
        volume_credits += std::max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
        // add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
        if (Play::Type::Comedy == play.type) { volume_credits += perf.audience / 5; }

        // print line for this order
        oss << std::format("  {}: {} ({} seats)\n"sv,, usd(this_amount), perf.audience);
        total_amount += this_amount;

    oss << std::format("Amount owed is {}\n"sv, usd(total_amount));
    oss << std::format("You earned {} credits\n"sv, volume_credits);
    return std::move(oss).str();

When we did the extraction to the function amount_for (which is to be precise a lambda but we no longer distinguish between lambda and function), we had to deal with three variables perf, play, and this_amount that would go out of scope. The first two variables perf and play are not modified so that we pass them as parameters; the last one this_amount is the only modified variable (always initialized to zero) so that we return it from the function.

Let us now consider where the variable play has come from: play has been computed from perf so that there was actually no need to pass it as a parameter at all. Extract Function can be less complicated (because less variables will go out of scope) if we have removed such temporary variables in advance; this is another useful refactoring called Replace Temp with Query.

We can apply Replace Temp with Query to the variable play in a series of refactoring moves. We first extract the right hand side of the statement declaring play to a function, say, play_for (Extract Function), after which we apply Inline Variable to play to remove it. Finally, we apply Change Function Declaration to amount_for to remove the play parameter. All of these yields:

std::string statement(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    auto play_for = [&](const auto& perf) -> decltype(auto)

    auto amount_for = [&](const auto& perf)
        int amount = 0;
        switch (play_for(perf).type) {
        case Play::Type::Tragedy:
            amount = 40000;
            if (perf.audience > 30) {
                amount += 1000 * (perf.audience - 30);
        case Play::Type::Comedy:
            amount = 30000;
            if (perf.audience > 20) {
                amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.audience - 20);
            amount += 300 * perf.audience;
            throw std::runtime_error{std::format(
                "{}: unknown Play::Type"sv,
        return amount;

    int total_amount = 0;
    int volume_credits = 0;
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << std::format("Statement for {}\n"sv, invoice.customer);

    for (const auto& perf : invoice.performances) {
        int this_amount = amount_for(perf);

        // add volume credits
        volume_credits += std::max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
        // add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
        if (Play::Type::Comedy == play_for(perf).type) { volume_credits += perf.audience / 5; }

        // print line for this order
        oss << std::format(
            "  {}: {} ({} seats)\n"sv,
            play_for(perf).name, usd(this_amount), perf.audience);

        total_amount += this_amount;

    oss << std::format("Amount owed is {}\n"sv, usd(total_amount));
    oss << std::format("You earned {} credits\n"sv, volume_credits);
    return std::move(oss).str();

where we have written the return type of play_for explicitly as decltype(auto) so as to return a reference to Play (i.e., const Play&), not a copy-constructed value.

It is worth taking some time here to take a closer look at an otherwise overlooked refactoring Replace Temp with Query, which I think is the most useful and important of all the refactorings Fowler (2018) presents.

First, it should be noted that, although one may worry about the performance degradation Replace Temp with Query could incur, this is not the case most of the time. In any case, let us ignore such performance implications while we refactor and do the performance tunning later (should there remain any performance problem); this works because, after we have better structured the code, we can do performance tuning more easily.

Now that we understand that Replace Temp with Query is almost harmless and indeed facilitates Extract Function (because less local variables go out of scope), I would like to go a step further to argue that temporaries are the root of all evil, as Fowler (2018) suggests (and Steve Yegge strongly agrees). Since a temporary is locally scoped and thus only useful in that scope, overusing temporaries (even if they are immutable constants) tends to “encourage” long, complex functions because otherwise one cannot easily use those temporaries. In contrast, a function usually resides in a larger (say, class) scope and can be reached by any (member) function in that scope. So, it is generally a good thing to remove temporaries, at least, at an early stage of refactoring.

I hope the above digression has convinced you that, however subtle or counter-intuitive it looks at first sight, Replace Temp with Query is certainly an important refactoring on its own (if not, please consult Fowler (2018) and convince yourself with his own words). Let us now return to our subject: Refactoring the statement function.

Since we have eliminated the variable play, we can now easily extract the function volume_credits_for that calculates the volume credits for a performance. Replace Temp with Query also applies to this_amount. Similarly, we apply Replace Temp with Query to the function scope variables total_amount and volume_credits. Finally we have:

std::string statement(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    auto play_for = [&](const auto& perf) -> decltype(auto)

    auto amount_for = [&](const auto& perf)
        int amount = 0;
        switch (play_for(perf).type) {
        case Play::Type::Tragedy:
            amount = 40000;
            if (perf.audience > 30) {
                amount += 1000 * (perf.audience - 30);
        case Play::Type::Comedy:
            amount = 30000;
            if (perf.audience > 20) {
                amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.audience - 20);
            amount += 300 * perf.audience;
            throw std::runtime_error{std::format(
                "{}: unknown Play::Type"sv,
        return amount;

    auto volume_credits_for = [&](const auto& perf)
        int volume_credits = 0;
        volume_credits += std::max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
        if (Play::Type::Comedy == play_for(perf).type) { volume_credits += perf.audience / 5; }
        return volume_credits;

    auto total_amount = [&]()
        int total = 0;
        for (const auto& perf : invoice.performances) {
            total += amount_for(perf);
        return total;

    auto total_volume_credits = [&]()
        int total = 0;
        for (const auto& perf : invoice.performances) {
            total += volume_credits_for(perf);
        return total;

    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << std::format("Statement for {}\n"sv, invoice.customer);

    for (const auto& perf : invoice.performances) {
        oss << std::format(
            "  {}: {} ({} seats)\n"sv,
            play_for(perf).name, usd(amount_for(perf)), perf.audience);

    oss << std::format("Amount owed is {}\n"sv, usd(total_amount()));
    oss << std::format("You earned {} credits\n"sv, total_volume_credits());
    return std::move(oss).str();

The top-level function statement now performs only formatting the statement whereas the other calculation logic has decomposed into a handful of nested functions (lambdas).

Splitting the phases of calculation and formatting

Next, we apply Split Phase to divide the statement function into two phases: the first phase that calculates data required for the statement; and the second phase that renders those calculated data into some particular format (i.e., text for now but it is easy to support more formats such as HTML if the two phases have been clearly separated). To this end, we first extract the text rendering function render_plain_text from statement:

struct StatementData {};

auto render_plain_text(
    [[maybe_unused]] const StatementData& data,
    const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)

where the omitted function body is actually the same as that of the previous statement function; and let the new statement function simply call into render_plain_text:

std::string statement(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    const StatementData statement_data;
    return render_plain_text(statement_data, invoice, plays);

Note that the extracted function render_plain_text takes an empty parameter data of type StatementData, to which we are going to put the intermediate data (the results of the first phase) required for rendering the statement (the second phase) so that render_plain_text depends only on StatementData.

It would be straightforward to simply put customer and performances of Invoice to StatementData so as to remove the invoice parameter of render_plain_text. In order to remove the plays parameter, however, we need to somehow “enrich” each element of performances so that, from the “enriched” performance, one can get the corresponding play. This refactoring is unfortunately not given its name in the first chapter of Fowler (2018) but is one of the most useful refactorings called Combine Functions into Transform listed in Chapter 6: A First Set of Refactorings.

Having applied Combine Functions into Transform, we can let the function render_plain_text take only one parameter of type StatementData that has been modified so as to contain “enriched” performances each of which is of type EnrichedPerformance:

struct EnrichedPerformance
    const Performance& base;
    const Play& play;

struct StatementData
    const std::string& customer;
    std::vector<EnrichedPerformance> performances;

auto render_plain_text(const StatementData& data)
    auto amount_for = [&](const auto& perf)
        int amount = 0;
        switch ( {
        case Play::Type::Tragedy:
            amount = 40000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 30) {
                amount += 1000 * (perf.base.audience - 30);
        case Play::Type::Comedy:
            amount = 30000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 20) {
                amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.base.audience - 20);
            amount += 300 * perf.base.audience;
            throw std::runtime_error{std::format(
                "{}: unknown Play::Type"sv,
        return amount;

    auto volume_credits_for = [&](const auto& perf)
        int volume_credits = 0;
        volume_credits += std::max(perf.base.audience - 30, 0);
        if (Play::Type::Comedy == { volume_credits += perf.base.audience / 5; }
        return volume_credits;

    auto total_amount = [&]()
        int total = 0;
        for (const auto& perf : data.performances) {
            total += amount_for(perf);
        return total;

    auto total_volume_credits = [&]()
        int total = 0;
        for (const auto& perf : data.performances) {
            total += volume_credits_for(perf);
        return total;

    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << std::format("Statement for {}\n"sv, data.customer);

    for (const auto& perf : data.performances) {
        oss << std::format(
            "  {}: {} ({} seats)\n"sv,
  , usd(amount_for(perf)), perf.base.audience);

    oss << std::format("Amount owed is {}\n"sv, usd(total_amount()));
    oss << std::format("You earned {} credits\n"sv, total_volume_credits());
    return std::move(oss).str();

The statement function populates StatementData and passes it to render_plain_text:

std::string statement(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    auto play_for = [&](const auto& perf) -> decltype(auto)

    auto enrich_performance = [&](const auto& base)
        return EnrichedPerformance{
            .base = base,
            .play = play_for(base)

    std::vector<EnrichedPerformance> enriched_performances;
        invoice.performances | std::views::transform(enrich_performance),
    assert(std::size(enriched_performances) == std::size(invoice.performances));

    const StatementData statement_data{
        .customer = invoice.customer,
        .performances = std::move(enriched_performances)

    return render_plain_text(statement_data);

where we have moved the function play_for back to statement (Move Function) in order for enrich_performance to “enrich” a performance with the corresponding play.

The “enrichment” could be done differently, e.g., by inheritance, but here I have made EnrichedPerformance simply have a member named base that is a reference to the original Performance. This way, we can avoid deep copy at the cost that, for an “enriched” performance perf, we have to say perf.base.XYZ to access the original member XYZ (as we have done so in the code above).

Note also that, in C++23, one can use std::ranges::to to convert a range to a container (in this case, invoice.performances | std::views::transform(enrich_performance) to std::vector<EnrichedPerformance>), but, in C++20, the most universally applicable way to convert a range to an std::vector would be to use std::back_insert_iterator as shown above (see here for more discussions).

Let us further “enrich” EnrichedPerformance with new fields amount and volume_credits; we move amount_for and volume_credits_for again back to the statement function to populate them. To move back the remaining calculation functions, i.e., total_amount and total_volume_credits, we add the corresponding new fields to StatementData. Making use of those new fields, the function render_plain_text now does only formatting in its body as intended:

struct EnrichedPerformance
    const Performance& base;
    const Play& play;
    int amount;
    int volume_credits;

struct StatementData
    const std::string& customer;
    std::vector<EnrichedPerformance> performances;
    int total_amount;
    int total_volume_credits;

auto render_plain_text(const StatementData& data)
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << std::format("Statement for {}\n"sv, data.customer);

    for (const auto& perf : data.performances) {
        oss << std::format(
            "  {}: {} ({} seats)\n"sv,
  , usd(perf.amount), perf.base.audience);

    oss << std::format("Amount owed is {}\n"sv, usd(data.total_amount));
    oss << std::format("You earned {} credits\n"sv, data.total_volume_credits);
    return std::move(oss).str();

In statement, let us take this opportunity to remove raw accumulation loops using an appropriate algorithm, i.e., std::accumulate (I wish we could use std::ranges-based reduction, which is yet to be standardized, but I consider this refactoring a form of Replace Loop with Pipeline):

std::string statement(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    auto play_for = [&](const auto& perf) -> decltype(auto)

    auto amount_for = [&](const auto& perf)
        int amount = 0;
        switch ( {
        case Play::Type::Tragedy:
            amount = 40000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 30) {
                amount += 1000 * (perf.base.audience - 30);
        case Play::Type::Comedy:
            amount = 30000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 20) {
                amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.base.audience - 20);
            amount += 300 * perf.base.audience;
            throw std::runtime_error{std::format(
                "{}: unknown Play::Type"sv,
        return amount;

    auto volume_credits_for = [&](const auto& perf)
        int volume_credits = 0;
        volume_credits += std::max(perf.base.audience - 30, 0);
        if (Play::Type::Comedy == { volume_credits += perf.base.audience / 5; }
        return volume_credits;

    auto enrich_performance = [&](const auto& base)
        EnrichedPerformance enriched{
            .base = base,
            .play = play_for(base)
        enriched.amount = amount_for(enriched);
        enriched.volume_credits = volume_credits_for(enriched);
        return enriched;

    std::vector<EnrichedPerformance> enriched_performances;
        invoice.performances | std::views::transform(enrich_performance),
    assert(std::size(enriched_performances) == std::size(invoice.performances));

    const auto total_amount = std::accumulate(
        std::cbegin(enriched_performances), std::cend(enriched_performances),
        0, [](int sum, const auto& perf) { return sum + perf.amount; });
    const auto total_volume_credits = std::accumulate(
        std::cbegin(enriched_performances), std::cend(enriched_performances),
        0, [](int sum, const auto& perf) { return sum + perf.volume_credits; });

    const StatementData statement_data{
        .customer = invoice.customer,
        .performances = std::move(enriched_performances),
        .total_amount = total_amount,
        .total_volume_credits = total_volume_credits

    return render_plain_text(statement_data);

We conclude our refactoring of splitting the phases by extracting the first phase from the statement function to a new function make_statement_data:

StatementData make_statement_data(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    auto play_for = [&](const auto& perf) -> decltype(auto)

    auto amount_for = [&](const auto& perf)
        int amount = 0;
        switch ( {
        case Play::Type::Tragedy:
            amount = 40000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 30) {
                amount += 1000 * (perf.base.audience - 30);
        case Play::Type::Comedy:
            amount = 30000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 20) {
                amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.base.audience - 20);
            amount += 300 * perf.base.audience;
            throw std::runtime_error{std::format(
                "{}: unknown Play::Type"sv,
        return amount;

    auto volume_credits_for = [&](const auto& perf)
        int volume_credits = 0;
        volume_credits += std::max(perf.base.audience - 30, 0);
        if (Play::Type::Comedy == { volume_credits += perf.base.audience / 5; }
        return volume_credits;

    auto enrich_performance = [&](const auto& base)
        EnrichedPerformance enriched{
            .base = base,
            .play = play_for(base)
        enriched.amount = amount_for(enriched);
        enriched.volume_credits = volume_credits_for(enriched);
        return enriched;

    std::vector<EnrichedPerformance> enriched_performances;
        invoice.performances | std::views::transform(enrich_performance),
    assert(std::size(enriched_performances) == std::size(invoice.performances));

    const auto total_amount = std::accumulate(
        std::cbegin(enriched_performances), std::cend(enriched_performances),
        0, [](int sum, const auto& perf) { return sum + perf.amount; });
    const auto total_volume_credits = std::accumulate(
        std::cbegin(enriched_performances), std::cend(enriched_performances),
        0, [](int sum, const auto& perf) { return sum + perf.volume_credits; });

    return {
        .customer = invoice.customer,
        .performances = std::move(enriched_performances),
        .total_amount = total_amount,
        .total_volume_credits = total_volume_credits

The statement function now reads:

std::string statement(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    return render_plain_text(make_statement_data(invoice, plays));

Since the first phase has been clearly separated from the second, let us also separate the source file to reflect the logical structure. Specifically, we add new header and source files for make_statement_data (and make statement.cpp where we define statement include that header):

Now that the statement function is implemented simply by composing the two phases, i.e., calculation and formatting, one can easily implement an HTML version of statement by composing the existing calculation phase and a new HTML formatting phase; its implementation and test are omitted from this memo for brevity.

Reorganizing the conditional logic on Play::Type

Lastly, let us consider refactorings required when we add more Play::Types and their calculation logic. The functions (lambdas) amount_for and volume_credits_for defined in make_statement_data contain some already complex conditional logic (i.e., switch and if statements) on Play::Type for calculating data about performances; such conditional logic can be represented naturally by type polymorphism, making it easy to modify the logic or extend it with more categories. Called Replace Conditional with Polymorphism, this refactoring can be considered a form of the strategy pattern because we shall dynamically select a suitable set of calculation algorithms based upon Play::Type for each performance.

To apply Replace Conditional with Polymorphism, we need some class inheritance hierarchy into which we reorganize the conditional logic. As a first step, we create a stateless class named PerformanceCalculator and move those functions that implement the calculation logic for performances, i.e., amount_for and volume_credits_for, into it as member functions (Combine Functions into Class):

class PerformanceCalculator
    int amount_for(const EnrichedPerformance& perf) const
        int amount = 0;
        switch ( {
        case Play::Type::Tragedy:
            amount = 40000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 30) {
                amount += 1000 * (perf.base.audience - 30);
        case Play::Type::Comedy:
            amount = 30000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 20) {
                amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.base.audience - 20);
            amount += 300 * perf.base.audience;
            throw std::runtime_error{std::format(
                "{}: unknown Play::Type"sv,
        return amount;

    int volume_credits_for(const EnrichedPerformance& perf) const
        int volume_credits = 0;
        volume_credits += std::max(perf.base.audience - 30, 0);
        if (Play::Type::Comedy == { volume_credits += perf.base.audience / 5; }
        return volume_credits;

where we have made the return types and the parameter types of the member functions explicit because we are going to declare them virtual and make derived classes override them (auto types are ambiguous to inherit). We then let enrich_performance in make_statement_data make use of PerformanceCalculator:

StatementData make_statement_data(const Invoice& invoice, const std::map<std::string, Play>& plays)
    auto play_for = [&](const auto& perf) -> decltype(auto)

    auto enrich_performance = [&](const auto& base)
        EnrichedPerformance enriched{
            .base = base,
            .play = play_for(base)
        const PerformanceCalculator calc;
        enriched.amount = calc.amount_for(enriched);
        enriched.volume_credits = calc.volume_credits_for(enriched);
        return enriched;

    std::vector<EnrichedPerformance> enriched_performances;
        invoice.performances | std::views::transform(enrich_performance),
    assert(std::size(enriched_performances) == std::size(invoice.performances));

    const auto total_amount = std::accumulate(
        std::cbegin(enriched_performances), std::cend(enriched_performances),
        0, [](int sum, const auto& perf) { return sum + perf.amount; });
    const auto total_volume_credits = std::accumulate(
        std::cbegin(enriched_performances), std::cend(enriched_performances),
        0, [](int sum, const auto& perf) { return sum + perf.volume_credits; });

    return {
        .customer = invoice.customer,
        .performances = std::move(enriched_performances),
        .total_amount = total_amount,
        .total_volume_credits = total_volume_credits

Next, we make PerformanceCalculator suitable as a base class from which we derive concrete calculator classes; we declare its members amount_for and volume_credits_for virtual and its destructor protected (so that it cannot be directly instantiated nor destructed except through its derived classes). We then define concrete calculators derived from PerformanceCalculator each for each Play::Type, namely, TragedyCalculator for Play::Type::Tragedy and ComedyCalculator for Play::Type::Comedy (although they are empty for now, this is a step toward Replace Type Code with Subclasses):

class PerformanceCalculator
    virtual int amount_for(const EnrichedPerformance& perf) const
        int amount = 0;
        switch ( {
        case Play::Type::Tragedy:
            amount = 40000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 30) {
                amount += 1000 * (perf.base.audience - 30);
        case Play::Type::Comedy:
            amount = 30000;
            if (perf.base.audience > 20) {
                amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.base.audience - 20);
            amount += 300 * perf.base.audience;
        return amount;

    virtual int volume_credits_for(const EnrichedPerformance& perf) const
        int volume_credits = 0;
        volume_credits += std::max(perf.base.audience - 30, 0);
        if (Play::Type::Comedy == { volume_credits += perf.base.audience / 5; }
        return volume_credits;

    ~PerformanceCalculator() = default;

class TragedyCalculator final : public PerformanceCalculator {};
class ComedyCalculator final : public PerformanceCalculator {};

const PerformanceCalculator& get_performance_calculator(Play::Type type)
    switch (type) {
    case Play::Type::Tragedy: { static const TragedyCalculator calc; return calc; }
    case Play::Type::Comedy: { static const ComedyCalculator calc; return calc; }

    throw std::runtime_error{std::format(
        "{}: unknown Play::Type"sv,

where we have also defined a factory function get_performance_calculator that selects an implementation of PerformanceCalculator based on Play::Type or throws an exception if the type code is unknown (the exception has been adopted from the default clause of the switch statement in amount_for where we have put an assertion instead). In enrich_performance, we make use of this factory in lieu of the constructor (Replace Constructor with Factory Function):

    auto enrich_performance = [&](const auto& base)
        EnrichedPerformance enriched{
            .base = base,
            .play = play_for(base)
        const auto& calc = get_performance_calculator(;
        enriched.amount = calc.amount_for(enriched);
        enriched.volume_credits = calc.volume_credits_for(enriched);
        return enriched;

Note that, unlike the original JavaScript example, we have kept the derived calculators (i.e., TragedyCalculator and ComedyCalculator) stateless so that we can instantiate them statically in the factory (otherwise we would have to dynamically allocate one, returning perhaps an std::unique_ptr<PerformanceCalculator>); they can be considered the simplest form of flyweight objects.

Now that we have set up the inheritance hierarchy for the performance calculators, we finally apply Replace Conditional with Polymorphism. First, we make TragedyCalculator and ComedyCalculator override amount_for, to each of which we move the corresponding clause of the switch statement; after that we can declare PerformanceCalculator::amount_for pure virtual (with no implementation). Next, let the calculators also override volume_credits_for. Notice however that there is a common implementation for it and we have to implement a special case only for ComedyCalculator. So, we leave the common implementation in PerformanceCalculator::volume_credits_for and specialize it in ComedyCalculator::volume_credits_for, taking advantage of the common implementation inherited. The base and the derived calculators now read:

class PerformanceCalculator
    virtual int amount_for(const Performance& perf) const = 0;

    virtual int volume_credits_for(const Performance& perf) const
        return std::max(perf.audience - 30, 0);

    ~PerformanceCalculator() = default;

class TragedyCalculator final : public PerformanceCalculator
    int amount_for(const Performance& perf) const override
        int amount = 40000;
        if (perf.audience > 30) {
            amount += 1000 * (perf.audience - 30);
        return amount;

class ComedyCalculator final : public PerformanceCalculator
    int amount_for(const Performance& perf) const override
        int amount = 30000;
        if (perf.audience > 20) {
            amount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.audience - 20);
        amount += 300 * perf.audience;
        return amount;

    int volume_credits_for(const Performance& perf) const override
        int volume_credits = PerformanceCalculator::volume_credits_for(perf);
        volume_credits += perf.audience / 5;
        return volume_credits;

where we have replaced EnrichedPerformance with Performance because the calculators no longer depend on the “enriched” part (i.e., Play::Type) of the performance. In enrich_performance, we now can build EnrichedPerformance at once:

    auto enrich_performance = [&](const auto& perf)
        const auto& play = play_for(perf);
        const auto& calc = get_performance_calculator(play.type);
        return EnrichedPerformance{
            .base = perf,
            .play = play,
            .amount = calc.amount_for(perf),
            .volume_credits = calc.volume_credits_for(perf)

Now that we have reorganized in a structured manner the complex conditional logic on Play::Type into the inheritance hierarchy of the performance calculators and delegated the necessary calculations to them, it is much more manageable a task than before to modify the existing logic or add new Play::Types with their own logic.

One can see the final source files in the refactored branch. Note however that, in order to write this memo, I have reproduced the whole refactoring steps again in another branch and merged it also to refactored so that the history is rather messy. To mitigate this, I have put some tags to the second refactoring attempt: refactor2_decompose_statement to the first commit for Decomposing the statement function; refactor2_split_phase for Splitting the phases of calculation and formatting; refactor2_reorganize_conditional_logic for Reorganizing the conditional logic on Play::Type.